Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we began our Eucharistic renewal throughout the United States on the Solemnity of Our Lord’s Body and Blood, we begin a series of reflections on the Holy Eucharist and what it means for the life and mission of Catholics. As the “source and summit of the Christian life” (Lumen Gentium, no. 11), the
Eucharist Liturgy (Mass) and our prayers before the Blessed Sacrament (Adoration) allow us to
encounter God’s presence in deep personal ways. But the Eucharist also calls us into social and
communal ways of living because, if not, there is a serious gap between what we celebrate and how we live our daily lives.
Therefore, for the next several weeks, we’ll be invited to read and reflect upon a number of small
articles about the power of the Eucharist. These will be posted in our bulletin and on the website. Each
reflection will be followed by a question to take to prayer.
Additionally, I’ll be inviting individual parishioners to occasionally offer a brief reflection about their
personal life in the Eucharist throughout the year. These will be featured in the Sunday bulletin and
other platforms. May this energized focus on the Holy Eucharist renew in each of us this incredible gift! Strengthened through this renewal, may we faithfully carry out our call as joyful missionary disciples.
In the Heart of Jesus,
Fr. Gurnick
We experience the Eucharist as a Community
The Eucharist draws each of us closer to Christ as individuals, but also as a community. As Catholics, we never really worship alone. At the Eucharistic Liturgy, we gather with the young and old, the rich and poor, as well as millions around the world and the saints in heaven, to celebrate Christ’s sacrifice. This powerful reality reminds us, in the words of St. John Paul II: “A truly Eucharistic community cannot be closed in upon itself” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia [On the Eucharist], no. 39); rather the Eucharist challenges us to recognize our place within a community and the human family (Communities of Salt and Light, USCCB). What issues affecting your community and the world today weigh deeply on your heart? Spend some time bringing these concerns before the Blessed Sacrament.