COAR Peace Mission, which stands for the Community Oscar Arnulfo Romero, will be making a mission appeal on the weekend of September 12 and 13, 2020. This locally-based Catholic charity will be asking for your donations, prayers, and interest. Please help us respond to the needs of the most impoverished among us and help them build a better future.
Established in 1980 during the civil war in El Salvador, the purpose of COAR is to support Children’s Village in Zaragoza, El Salvador. Through foster care, schooling, a clinic and pharmacy and other community-wide services, COAR Children’s Village serves the most vulnerable people of this area with which Cleveland Catholics have a long and deep relationship.
More information visit COAR online or call 440-943-7615. Make donations payable to St. Patrick Parish with “COAR” in the memo line. Checks can be dropped in the collection baskets near the Bridge Avenue doors as you exit after Mass, or dropped off at the rectory.
Thank You for your consideration.