Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Today we celebrate Catechetical Sunday. Although we’ve been observing this day for nearly thirty years, many people are not familiar with its purpose nor are they quite sure of what the word catechetical really means.
Catechetical comes from the Greek word catechesis, which means, “instruction by word of mouth.” Basically, it’s religious instruction for children, young people, and adults that focuses on scripture and doctrine with the hope of bringing people into the fullness of Christian life. Of course, methods for catechesis differ in order to make the instruction approachable for each age level, cognitive ability, and maturity of each disciple.
Today, many folks make the mistake that this Catechetical Sunday is intended only for those instructing in the PSR or other youth-centered programs. In fact, the Church embraces this occasion to encourage all of us to renew our commitment to continue our own formation and education as Catholics.
I want to personally thank all of our parishioners who are involved with the instruction of our Faith through the various programs and events: parents, PSR teachers, RCIA team members, Sacramental Preparation Teams, Adult Enrichment instructors/facilitators, as well as our clergy and pastoral staff members. May our personal lives bear witness to what we teach and proclaim.
Please continue to keep updated of parish and other events via our website which is in its final stages of being redesigned and gettng ready to be launched. We hope to strengthen our ability to keep parishioners and friends connected as we look forward to the months ahead.
Sincerely yours in Christ,