Hiding under your blanket? Thank the Lord you have a blanket! Just last week our own Society of Saint Vincent de Paul provided blankets and beds for two families, each single-parented, with eight children in all between the ages of 4 and 16. None had a bed—just the floor.
Your generous donations of $350 so far toward this year’s Blanket Sunday campaign helped to give a good night’s sleep to all. They are not the first and will not be the last blankets to warm little ones during these cold nights. Thank you for your kindness that helps make life better for God’s people.
SVDP accepts and appreciates donations all year round to help the ones in need. Donations may be dropped in the collection baskets at church (envelopes available) or taken to the rectory. Checks should be made out to Society of Saint Vincent de Paul with “donation” written on the memo line. Questions? Call 216-631-6872 x2200 and leave a message.