As we look toward a year of overcoming challenges, what better way to recharge your batteries at the end of your work week than to join your faith community in worship and devotion?
Mass and Holy Hour will take place on most First Fridays throughout 2021. There will be a few exceptions due to other events or holidays occurring on the first Friday of a particular month. Mass at 5:30pm will be followed by eucharistic adoration until 7pm (confessions available). As part of this monthly experience, we will be inviting an individual to offer a personal testimony on his or her life in Christ. This 3-4 minute reflection will be at the conclusion of Mass and before adoration commences. Our next First Friday is February 5th.
On all of the Fridays of Lent, we will also celebrate 5:30pm Mass, immediately followed by Stations of the Cross. Due to Covid, the presider and assembly will remain in their places while the cross is processed by an individual from station to station.