Building with Living Stones Talks
Building with Living Stones as Missionary Disciples
The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew…I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come.
-Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, no.1
Dear Parishioner,
Do you see yourself as a Missionary Disciple? How are you being called to evangelize? What is required for evangelization to be a success?
For many Catholics these questions may conjure up images of going door-to-door or preaching on the corner of West 25th and Lorain as do many of our Christian friends. For us, however, evangelizing is simply taking Jesus Christ and sharing him with others. By virtue of our baptism, sealed in Confirmation, and sustained through the Holy Eucharist, we go forth “full of fervor, joy, generosity, courage, boundless love and attraction,” as Pope Francis describes in Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel).
Since beginning my ministry here in March 2018, I always enjoy witnessing the countless examples of evangelization occurring daily here at Saint Patrick and throughout our neighborhood.
In addition to some well-established ministries and relationships, new faces and emerging opportunities are part of the very fabric of our parish as we enter this third decade of the third millennium.
With a parish rich in history—while looking to a hopeful future—there are times when a community is called to pause and reflect upon our most basic mission, individually and collectively.
Therefore, please accept this invitation to join us for an opportunity to pray, reflect, and engage in conversation with fellow parishioners. This all-year initiative is called Building With Living Stones as Missionary Disciples.
The title of our parish renewal is inspired by our commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the blessing of the church’s cornerstone in 1871. As we thank God for the beautiful stones and mortar, we take time for ourselves as living stones during this time of renewal.
This opportunity for reflection and engagement should not be seen merely as another program within parish life. Inspired by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops’ Living as Missionary Disciples, the objective is a call to reflect on what Pope Francis sees as an invitation to advance along a path of pastoral and missionary conversion.
With gratitude to members of our Parish Council and pastoral staff—all who have actively engaged in helpful conversations during the last four months—this process is an attempt to welcome engagement from every parishioner.
Together let us rediscover our call to serve as Missionary Disciples!
Our Process & Timeline
I. Lent: Hearing the Message
This stage of our process features four presentations on Wednesday evenings, in church, after the 5:30pm Mass via livestreaming and/or in-person. Each talk is no more than 40 minutes.
- Session I: February 24
What is the New Evangelization and who is Called to Evangelize?
Mr. Miguel Chavez - Session II: March 3
The Call for Renewal and Conversion
Ms. Pattie Batchman - Session III: March 10
Deepening Our Relationship with Christ: Formation for Discipleship
Fr. Mark Latcovich - Session IV: March 24
Going Forward: Developing a Pastoral Plan for Missionary Discipleship
Mr. Miguel Chavez
I. Easter: Encountering the Risen Lord
APRIL & MAY 2021
Small Reflection Groups are being organized during the Lenten Season (generally no more than 12 persons in each group) and each one is facilitated by a designated facilitator and a notetaker. Each small group will meet four times during the Easter Season for approximately 75 minutes via Zoom:
- Session 1: Our Personal Encounter with Christ
- Session 2: The Art of Accompaniment
- Session 3: Being a Welcoming Community
- Session 4: Being Sent to Witness
At the conclusion of the Easter Season, the notetaker from each group summarizes the reflections as they correspond with the discussion questions. A general summary of these themes will be available to the parish.
Registration for small group participation begins March 1, 2021. More details will follow.
III. Pentecost: Recognizing the Fruits of the Spirit
JUNE 2021
A comprehensive summary is presented to the Parish Community (via livestreaming event).
IV. Parish Celebration: Building with Living Stones
AUGUST 21, 2021, 5:00pm
Save the Date! To commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the blessing of the church’s cornerstone, Bishop Malesic will celebrate our 5:00pm Mass on Saturday, August 21st with a social afterward—all depending upon Covid-19 status.
V. Pastoral Planning
AUTUMN 2021 – SPRING 2022
The approach we use will depend upon Covid-19’s status but the primary focus is to set goals for the parish’s renewal as we look toward our future.