In November, Bishop Malesic lifted the ban for using communion chalices due to pandemic-related protocols. After consulting with our Parish Worship Committee, Parish Pastoral Council and staff members, we will be reinstating the use of the chalices commencing with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on April 6. We will then anticipate the distribution of Holy Communion under both species (Eucharistic bread and wine) for those who wish to receive the Sacred Host and Precious Blood, provided that there is a sufficient number Eucharistic Ministers available for the chalices at each weekend Mass.
Beginning next week we will be placing “straw poll ballots” at the church entrances asking parishioners to indicate their inclination toward receiving from the Communion chalice. The poll is only intended to help us prepare for the proper quantity of wine needed for each weekend liturgy. Your choice is not personally binding as you may change your mind at any time.
We take this opportunity to remind parishioners that we do have low gluten hosts available. The best way to express your need for a special host is to contact the rectory and leave a message for Fr. Gurnick. Please indicate which weekend or weekday Mass you ordinarily attend.
Finally, while we have relaxed the pandemic-related protocols I ask everyone to be conscious of his or her health status when participating in Holy Communion and other aspects of Mass. This includes using personal discretion regarding the Communion Chalice, the Sign of Peace, and the sanitizing of hands.