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A blessed St. Patrick’s Day

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Although very different from past years, it was so good to gather for Mass as we celebrated our patronal feast of St. Patrick. I want to thank those responsible for making our day a beautiful and joyful experience. I am grateful for Father Michael McCandless, Director of Vocations, who gave an inspiring homily. And special thanks to our Restoration Committee members who work tirelessly to keep our historic church building in great shape.

Congratulations to our St. Patrick’s Day Drawing winners!

  • Tom Sullivan – $10,000
  • Fran DiDonato – $2,500
  • Lorraine Wagner – $1,000
  • Karen Wallenhorst – $1,000

Although there are only four winners, we’re grateful to everyone for their support. Looking ahead, please be sure to read our bulletin and check out our website for details regarding Holy Week and Easter. Blessings to you and all our friends who are a part of our St. Patrick family!

Gratefully yours in Christ,

Fr Gurnick Signature