Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Patrick,
As we enter the second week of Advent, our Sunday Scriptures renew the call for us to be servants of justice, truth, and peace. When we are living these virtues we make straight the pathway for the Lord, like the Baptist who cries out from the wilderness. In one of his Advent 2010 reflections, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI remarked how we are called to listen to God’s voice, which resounds in the desert of the world through sacred Scriptures, especially when they are preached with the power of the Holy Spirit. Faith, in fact, is fortified the more it is illuminated by the divine Word.
If you haven’t already, please join us on our Advent and Christmas Journey with the booklet, Waiting in Joyful Hope. They are available at the exits of the church or one can be mailed to your home by contacting the rectory. And please visit the retreat page to offer your own personal reflection for the day or simply enjoy the reflections offered by fellow parishioners.
By the way, did you notice a stone altar between the rectory and the church? Gracing our front yard, this feature commemorates the efforts of our parishioners and friends who continually find ways of carrying out our mission and ministries during Covid-19. The combination of excessive summer heat and the requirement to wear masks inevitably had us bringing liturgy and other sacramental events outside. With a card table to serve as the altar and chairs properly spaced, we found ourselves enjoying the breeze and shade in this wonderful little space. We thank Jim Hayes and his crew for carefully erecting this small monument as they were able to utilize stones similar to the ones used for the restoration of the church’s front façade. The mensa, or table portion of the monument, is engraved with the current year. May it remind future generations that nothing—even a global pandemic—will stop the Church from the sacred work entrusted to us!
May we enjoy the fullness of every grace and blessing during these Advent days.
Yours in Christ the Eternal Word,