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BWLS Survey results

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Patrick,

Enclosed in today’s bulletin are the results of our Building With Living Stones as Missionary Disciples (BWLS) survey which was conducted this past autumn as part of the third phase of our parish initiative.   The survey was based upon results from small group reflections conducted throughout the Easter Season as to what it means to be a missionary disciple at Saint Patrick.   The summaries from these listening sessions were collected from group leaders (representing nearly 70 parishioners).   The results of these sessions served as the basis for the survey.    The enclosed summary is an attempt to capture the major themes identified in the survey. 401 people opened the on-line survey with 246 individuals completing at least a portion of it. Of those 246 participants, 111 individuals completed the entire survey. 

It is my hope that these results will serve as a catalyst for further reflection among our parish leaders and members as we address the  concerns raised. Our response to these things will serve as our next phase of Building with Living Stones as we seek to strengthen areas of parish life and mission.   Some of the concerns raised can be addressed with immediate action while others may require further reflection as we determine appropriate responses and next steps. 

I want to thank everyone who participated in the listening sessions and the survey.  I look forward to working with those who will provide leadership as we review, reflect, and respond.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Gurnick

PS – let us remember the common call to promote the dignity of all human life – at all stages – as we observe this Week of Christian Unity and our common call as missionary disciples through baptism.