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Care for incarcerated

Dear Parishioners,

As we continue our Respect Life Month, our focus turns to our brothers and sisters who are incarcerated.  I invite you and your loved ones to reflect on the insert this weekend.  Of course, as with many of these issues, there are multiple dimensions to consider.  However, ultimately we’re called to uphold the dignity of each and every human life. This is especially important as we address the care of those who are incarcerated and the issue of the death penalty.  Thanks for joining your fellow Catholics and others who advocate and serve this special population of our community.

Our Building With Living Stones initiative continues.  If you have not had the opportunity to do so, please take a few minutes and complete our parish survey.  Check out the QR code in today’s bulletin or join us online by visiting our parish website.

Be assured of my continued prayers for you and your loved ones.

Sincerely yours in Our Lady of the Rosary,

Fr Gurnick