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Care for the disabled

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

We continue our Respect Life Month this week highlighting the joys and challenges of ministering to our sisters and brothers with special needs. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the reflections of Sister Lizette who works with L’arche Cleveland and the Mullin Gray Family in today’s special insert. I thank them for sharing a part of their stories as we focus on the gift of those who enrich our Church and society. Please take a few moments to check out some important resources to accompany our friends who are often found to be at risk in many ways and whose very dignity can often be called into question. Let us continue to build and foster a Culture of Life for all! October is also an opportunity for you to participate in our parish survey as we continue our Building With Living Stones as Missionary Disciples initiative. The survey will be active through the end of this month so please take some time and let us know what you’re thinking. We want to hear from everyone. Just use the QR Code that is in today’s bulletin or go directly to our parish website. Finally, next week we’ll have some helpful information available for the synodal process that our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has begun. Stay tuned as every parish throughout the universal Church will have the opportunity to offer input in the upcoming months. May our Blessed Mother and all the saints continue to intercede for us as we pray for the needs within our own lives and throughout the world.

Yours in Our Lady of the Rosary,

Fr. Gurnick