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Protecting People and Planet

St. Patrick Creation Care Ministry was formed after studying Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home. We welcome interested parishioners to join us at our monthly meetings and in the activities we initiate for the parish.  We meet the second Monday of the month at 7:00pm at the Faith Formation Center Conference Room. Contact or leave a message at 216-631-6872.

Our Purpose

To call St. Patrick Parish to reflection, education, and advocacy
as stewards of God’s sacred earth.

Our Vision

To help St. Patrick Parish move toward

  • being a leader in caring for our planet,
  • using best practices to reduce solid and energy waste, and
  • becoming more ecofriendly in the use of our grounds and buildings.
Sprouting seedling

Our Goals


Prayer that seeks God’s inspiration and guidance

  • Programming connected to the liturgical seasons
  • Reflection resources and prayers focused on creation care and ecological virtues

Education of our parish on the roots of caring for creation in scripture, tradition, and the current crisis

  • Provide the church bulletin with Creation Care educational, news, and activities information
  • Create educational displays and suggestions for home practices
  • Develop and publicize sustainability events
  • Update parish on earth-friendly practices
  • Integrate efforts with PSR/Youth group activities
  • Coordinate with other parish and regional Creation Care organizations

Ongoing assessment of our environment-sustainability profile as a parish

  • Maintain communication with the Parish Pastoral Council and parish staff and leadership
  • Study and consider creation care-based changes to parish physical structures
  • Assist parish in evaluating, developing policies, and coordinating purchasing, use and disposal practices  

Action like advocating for creation care; developing parish practices that reflect our practical care for creation; partnering with broader efforts in the neighborhood, city, parish, and beyond

  • Develop policy and infrastructure for recycling at events, office, buildings
  • Create partnerships with city and county services related to sustainability and recycling
  • Advocate as a community with church and wider society about creation care goals and practices
  • Recruit parish participation in creation care ministry work
  • Fundraising to support creation care practices within the parish and beyond

“A Christian who doesn’t safeguard creation, who doesn’t make it flourish,
is a Christian who isn’t concerned with God’s work,
that work born of God’s love for us.”

—Pope Francis