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Catholic Schools Week

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Patrick Parish,

This past week we observed Week of Christian Unity, an effort to seek out our common call of discipleship through baptism.  In recent decades, this observance invites us to seek the common ground we share among all those who claim Christ as Lord.  May we continue to appreciate the gifts of all those baptized even though we recognize those things that separate us.  May all the world know Christ by our love for one another!   And may that love include our continued advocacy for the most vulnerable among us: the refugee, the poor, the marginalized, the unborn, the aged, the oppressed, and the exploited. 

 This week we also observe Catholic Schools’ Week.  With this in mind, I share with the parish the joy we have with our new partner school, Metro Catholic.  Please remember the faculty, staff, students, and benefactors of MCS as they serve our local community with the joy of the Gospel.  We also pray for every Christian parent who is the first teacher and preacher of the faith.  May each of them receive the grace to be the living witness for our children and young adults.

Please remember all those who are suffering, especially the terminally ill and those who accompany them.  May they be comforted with the peace of Christ who always walks with us in our hour of need.

Jesus, we trust in You!

Fr. Gurnick