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Clean Hands, Charitable Heart

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Christina Rose, an infectious disease specialist at Cleveland Clinic – Lutheran Hospital, visited our parish a couple of weeks ago. I asked her to offer any observations and recommendations to ensure a safer environment for worship and daily life here at Saint Patrick Parish. Her comments were very affirming and she recognized the efforts of our staff and volunteers who are working hard to make our facilities safe and welcoming. One recommendation that Christina made is to have the entire congregation disinfect hands just prior to receiving Holy Communion. This is in addition to everyone disinfecting hands upon entering the church building.

Therefore, effective this weekend, our ushers and other attendants will proceed down each aisle as soon as the priest receives Communion. Everyone intending to receive Communion is requested to extend their hands when approached. Rub your hands. Do not touch your mask or any surface until you have said “Amen” and receive the sacred Host in your disinfected hands. The main goal is always to have one person with clean hands touch another’s clean hands. This will reduce the chance of spreading the coronavirus.

If you have a negative reaction to the alcohol-based spray that we use at Saint Patrick, please feel free to apply your own personal hand sanitizer just prior to receiving.

I thank Christina Rose and Lutheran Hospital for taking the time to visit and to offer her professional expertise and sage advice: “It’s all about the bundle.” Bundle social distancing, facial masks, and clean hands at all times.

I also want to express my gratitude to our dedicated staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to keep our parish environment safe. Some of you have offered to help during this time. One really helpful way would be to have folks assist with sanitizing the church after Mass. If you are able to do so, please contact Scott Menningen at the rectory. Your help—if even for a one-month commitment—would be a blessing for our small group of volunteers.

Our governor, again, reminds us how important it is that we contribute to the safety of one another. Vigilance and perseverance are essential!

Blessings for good health,

Fr Gurnick Signature