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Collaboration Discussions

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Patrick,

As we enter into the next phase of the Parish Collaboration between Saint Malachi and Saint Patrick, I invite you to join us for the next round of conversations which will be held after each Mass next weekend at Saint Patrick in the Lower Hall (September 30-October 1).  

We will have the opportunity to meet Rosie Dolan-Baker who is serving as our facilitator throughout the next phase. We will also get a sense of what that phase and time-line will look like. 

In conjunction with this important next step, we are in the process of forming a special Integration Steering Committee (ISC).  This leadership committee will have representation from both parishes and will assist Rosie in establishing a concrete strategy.  This group will provide oversight of the various working committees which will also be formed by members of both parishes as we move forward with worship needs, faith formation efforts, ministries of charity and other aspects of parish life (including pastoral leadership, staffing, finances, facilities, etc.). 

A number of parishioners are being asked to participate because of their personal skills or professional backgrounds. Most of these committees will need other parishioners who may feel called to serve – including you.  We hope to have these committees formed and ready to work by early 2024.    We will also be relying on the consultation of our Parish Pastoral and Finance Councils.

While life may change in various ways, it is our sincere hope that both parishes are strengthened and renewed through this experience.  Please keep praying for one another during this time of transformation and growth.

Looking ahead to the Month of October, please be sure to mark your calendars for a special parish Mass as we celebrate our 170th Anniversary on October 29at 11am with Auxiliary Bishop Michael Woost as our Principal Celebrant.  A light social will follow in the Lower Hall of the Club.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr. Gurnick