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Come, Holy Spirit!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

God gave new meaning to the celebration of Pentecost, originally a Jewish Feast marking fifty days after Passover. As the Holy Spirit descended upon those first disciples, the Church was formed and her members commissioned to go forth to proclaim the Good News.

Today, that same Spirit continues to fill us with those sevenfold gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and proper Fear of the Lord. These gifts allow us to go forth to proclaim the Good News in our own day. Where is the Holy Spirit calling you to serve in this present chapter of life?

Our Building with Living Stones initiative continues as our small groups will be submitting summaries of their reflections from each of the four sessions. I am most grateful each of the group leaders and participants for their participation. We will be collecting these findings for further reflection. Based upon these summaries – along with additional pieces – we’re going to design a survey and invite the wider parish community to offer input this summer. A general summary of both the small group reflections and the survey will be presented in early autumn. This material will be used by parish leadership and other interested individuals to proceed with strategic planning over the next year. Stay tuned – lots to come!

Congratulations to our young adults who were confirmed on May 18 by Bishop Roger Gries and continued blessings to those anticipating their First Holy Communion.

And don’t forget: Sunday, June 6th, is the Solemnity of the Lord’s Body and Blood (aka Corpus Christi Sunday). We will have outdoor adoration in the front yard of the rectory beginning at the conclusion of the 11:30am Mass until Benediction at 6:00pm. Next bulletin will have a listing of the various opportunities for prayer throughout the afternoon. We hope you and your loved ones can join us for throughout the day.

Come, Holy Spirit and renew the face of the Earth!

Fr. Gurnick