Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Patrick,
In the name of my brother (Matthew) and my sisters (Joanie, Donna, and Anita), I want to thank everyone for your condolences and prayers as we commend our mother, Catherine, to the mercy and love of God. As I shared in a recent email, our family is consoled that Mom was called home on October 13, the day marking the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun. Mom had a devotion to Our Lady and the thirteenth of each month from May until October was very special to her. We believe that the Lord and Our Blessed Mother arranged for this to be the day Cathie would leave this earthly pilgrimage and begin her new chapter into eternal life.
Although COVID-19 curbed our final days with her in the hospital and throughout the funeral services, our family felt the love of so many of you who joined us in spirit. Thank you for the cards, the consoling words, and the Mass intentions offered for our mother. Like other saints in the making, this is an exciting time for Mom as her soul is being readied to see the face of God! Please continue to pray for her soul along with all those who have gone before us. May purgatory be but a brief stay and Heaven the eternal home for every soul.
Although tending to Mom and then having her funeral in a whirlwind of twelve days, I have been continuing to pray for all of you and your needs. I am especially mindful of our parishioners and neighbors who suffer incredible loneliness due the pandemic. I pray for family members who accompany their loved ones in hospitals or nursing homes and struggle due to strict—but necessary—policies during these difficult times.
Because I have been closely connected to extended family and close friends this past week, I’m temporarily refraining from communion calls to any of our at-risk parishioners. I will gladly resume this ministry in a couple of weeks. Of course, I am always available if there is a pastoral emergency.
For those who have a lost a loved one this past year, be sure to join us in person or via livestream on Sunday, Nov. 8, at 8:30am Mass for a special Remembrance of the Faithful Departed.
Again, sincere thanks for the kindness, love, and consolation.
Gratefully yours in the Risen Lord,