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Easter Octave & Divine Mercy

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Lord is Risen!  We continue our celebration of the Easter Octave this weekend as a special focus is placed on God’s Divine Mercy.  This observance, instituted by Saint John Paul II, stresses the importance of God’s mercy which is freely given to all who seek it; in fact, His mercy is so abundant a gift that we are often flooded with it even when we aren’t necessarily looking for it.  This isn’t to justify presumption on our part.  We must cooperate with this gift once we recognize it at work in our lives.

Join us for a special hour of Eucharistic Adoration today, Sunday, April 16, at 3:00pm in the church.  In addition to the Chaplet being prayed, we’ll have special petitions offered and brief excerpts from the diary of Saint Faustina who received this special message from our Lord.  We’ll conclude our time together with a simple Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. 

As the Easter Season carries on, we continue to pray for our newly baptized, Stefan Knaack, who became Catholic at the Solemn Vigil last Saturday night.  As a neophyte, Stefan will enter a period of mystagogy, a time to reflect on what he experienced through the Easter sacraments and will continue to learn what it means to be a member of the baptized.

We also continue to pray for Lindsey Arch as she prepares for Confirmation on April 30th at Saint John’s Cathedral.  She’ll be joined by our other Confirmation candidates who have been preparing for the past two years.  Please keep all of them in your prayers.

Blessings to all of you and your loved ones as we enjoy the grace and blessings throughout this holy season!

Fr. Gurnick