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Franciscan custody of the Holy Land

Due to COVID-19, we were unable to host the annual Good Friday Holy Land Collection. Pope Francis has approved this year’s collection to be conducted on the weekend of September 12-13 throughout the world, the closest Sunday to the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

The Holy Land is under the custodianship of the worldwide network of Franciscans, to whom has been entrusted not just the temporal upkeep of the physical shrines but also the pastoral care of Christians in this region of the world. For example, over 10,000 students attend Catholic schools and migrant workers are assisted as they find themselves so far from home. They also assist the populations impacted by war in Syria and those who are now refugees scattered in various countries.

Thank you for any assistance you may offer as part of this universal campaign to assist our brothers and sisters in the birthplace of our Lord and the heart of salvation history.