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God’s mercy is sin’s remedy

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Imagine if you found the remedy for diabetes…or heart disease…or cancer.   If we were to discover the remedy for any of these diseases, we’d likely want to share it with everyone we love.  News would spread so fast, production of these remedies wouldn’t be able to keep up with the demand!

Well, we may not have discovered the cure-all for these physical maladies – yet – but we do know that there is a remedy for souls who are entrenched in pain and despair due to sin.  What is it, you ask?   Mercy!

On this Divine Mercy Sunday, the message is simple:  embrace God’s mercy which is abundant and freely given.  This invitation from our Lord is something for all of us to receive.  It’s a feast to which all are welcome!  It is THE remedy for us who struggle with sin and the impact that sin has upon us.

When we’re freed from the bondage and shackles of sin, we find ourselves increasingly aware of God’s life within us. In turn, we look outward and see the needs of those around us.  Ultimately, we can’t help but to share this remedy with those we love.

Attachment to any form of sin causes us to lose focus, become cynical, and even despair.  Mercy shatters these maladies and ushers in a new vision for our lives, offers us hope, and brings about Gospel joy. 

May this Feast of Divine Mercy allow us to embrace the fullness of God’s love for us!

As we continue our Easter joy, may the Lord be with our six young people who will be confirmed this Tuesday at 7pm with Benedictine Abbot Gary Hoover as our celebrant.  May the seven-fold gifts of the Holy Spirit allow each of them to grow more in love with God and to follow Him each day.   All are welcome to join us for this special liturgy!

Sincerely yours in Christ Our Risen Lord,

Fr. Gurnick