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He is risen!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Alleluia!  He is Risen!   On behalf of our Pastoral Staff and entire parish family, I extend to you joyful Easter greetings.

In the midst of war and other forms of unjust violence in our world today, Easter greets us with the perennial message that all is restored in Christ who conquered sin and death.  In the midst of illness, poverty, and other types of suffering, we encounter the Risen Christ who once invited Thomas to touch his wounds as a reminder that suffering is followed by new life.   In the midst of doubt and hopelessness, our hearts are raised as we tell the story of resurrection and recognize the Paschal Lamb in the breaking of the bread.  In the midst of social division, we are reminded of our need to go and tell the others what we have seen and heard.

 We welcome those who are visiting us today or who have returned after a pandemic-motivated absence.  Your presence adds to our Easter joy!

Be assured of my continued prayerful best wishes for all of you and your loved ones as we discover anew the Risen Lord who won for us eternal life.  

Resurrexit Sicut Dixit!                                                                              

Easter blessings,

Fr. Gurnick