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Help wanted

Dear Friends and Parishioners of Saint Patrick,

As we gather for our annual picnic this weekend – finally returning since 2019 – we welcome everyone back, whether you are an active parishioner, one who is returning for the day, or a good neighbor or friend who is visiting.  So good to have you with us!

I want to thank our Picnic Committee members, volunteers, and the various groups and individuals for their contributions and service.  Thank you for helping to bring back a cherished tradition to our parish since Covid!

This also presents the opportunity to thank parishioners who have been instrumental in helping to bring important events back to the parish or to creatively come up with new ways of building community life since the pandemic. 

One of those cherished customs is fellowship after the Sunday morning liturgies.  I am especially grateful to those who have provided hospitality on Sunday mornings and other special occasions the past couple of years.  It so important that we have regular occasions to gather socially.  They afford us time to get acquainted after the liturgy, whether over coffee and donuts, or popsicles, and other treats.  They have worked tirelessly since the dissolution of the Shamrocks due to Covid.   And I am grateful to those who are planning to expand these experiences throughout the year.

But they need YOUR help.  More will be shared at Mass and in the bulletin, but the message is clear:  Help Wanted! Stay tuned for additional details.

If you are new to the neighborhood and would like to register or learn more about our parish family, please contact one of our staff members. We’d be honored to meet with you!

Enjoy the picnic, the fun, and the many activities to come throughout the year.

Yours in Christ,

Fr Gurnick