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Holy Events in 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Did you know that on the Epiphany there is an ancient practice of announcing dates of all moveable Feasts for the coming year?  The custom stems from marking a new calendar and highlighting the centrality of Easter as the most important date of the entire year.  The date for Easter, by the way, is determine by using a specific formula:  the first Sunday, after the first full moon, after the spring equinox. 

The proclamation of these dates is usually done after the Gospel, within or after the homily.  It may be chanted to add a degree of solemnity.  The moveable Feasts include Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Most Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Christ the King. Other moveable dates include Ash Wednesday. 

Why is this significant?  Like any important family gathering, setting time aside for these events requires planning and the coordination of busy schedules.   Our family of faith is no different.   So, mark your calendar today so we can be sure to get together on Sundays, solemnities, and for these special occasions in 2022:

  • Ash Wednesday (March 2)
  • Holy Thursday (April 14)
  • Good Friday (April 15)
  • Easter Sunday (April 17)
  • Ascension of Our Lord (May 29)                                    
  • Pentecost (June 5)
  • Most Holy Trinity (June 12)
  • Most Holy Body and Blood (June 19)
  • Sacred Heart of Jesus (June 24)
  • Christ the King (November 20)

We also invite you to mark the calendar for our annual feast of Saint Patrick (Thursday, March 17).  We hope to return to our familiar observance with 9:00am Mass followed by our breakfast and raffle. 

On Sunday, June 5 (Pentecost Sunday) we will be celebrating One Hundred Years of Faithful Service as we celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Father Hollis and the Silver Jubilees of Deacons Bill Merriman and Deacon Bill Staab, respectively.  A special Mass will be offered followed by a parish social.  Please save the date!

May the example of the magi renew in each of us the desire to constantly seek Christ as we continue our pilgrimage of faith together.

In the joy of Christ,

Fr. Gurnick