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Holy Week Opportunities

Dear Parishioners,
As we enter into the Holy Week liturgies and observances, I invite you to review the schedule found in today’s bulletin. The Sacred Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter) should be seen as the progression of one common celebration, beginning with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. This continues with Our Lord’s Solemn Passion and culminates in the Easter Vigil / Sunday liturgies. These “three days” commemorate the central mysteries we profess: Christ‘s death and resurrection. Each of these liturgies express beautiful elements that are conveyed only once a year in our liturgies. If it’s been awhile since you’ve participated in them, please consider marking your calendar and joining us this week.

In addition to the main liturgies celebrated each day of Triduum, please join us on Holy Thursday (at Saint Patrick), Good Friday (at St. Malachi), and Holy Saturday (at Saint Patrick) for Morning
Prayer at 8:30am. Although we sometimes think of “liturgy” only in terms of Mass, the Church has a beautiful daily custom of praying the Liturgy of the Hours (of which Morning Prayer one of them). We’ll be meeting in the particular church each morning as we pray with song, psalms, readings, and petitions.
Confessions are available for folks after prayer until 10:00am each morning.

Finally, be sure to join our neighboring parishes for Tenebrae (Service of Light) at Saint Malachi Church on Monday, April 3 at 7:00pm, Stations of the Cross on Good Friday at Noon, and for the Blessing of Food on Holy Saturday in front of Saint Patrick’s rectory from 10am-12noon. One of our deacons will
greet you at your car or join them on the porch for the blessing. Everyone is welcome!

Finally, please keep Stefan Knaack in your prayers as he prepares for Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.

Wherever you and your loved ones are this week, may it be filled with every grace and blessing!

Sincerely yours in Our Lord’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection,

Fr. Gurnick