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Listening Session Review

Dear Parishioners of Saint Patrick,

I want to thank those who were able to join us for the listening sessions after each Mass last weekend regarding Bishop Malesic’s proposed vision for Saint Patrick Parish to partner with Saint Malachi Parish in a new and creative way. 

The feedback from both parishes – concerns, opportunities, and questions – are helpful as we move forward in these conversations.  All comments were captured and are being collated for publication which will be available to members of both parishes.  Accompanying the summary will be a “glossary of terms” so people have a deeper understanding of words such as “oratory” and “territorial boundary.”  Also attached will be the 2022 Status Animarum Report for each parish which is submitted to the diocese every year.  This annual report offers statistics on things like the number of registered households, number of baptisms, marriages, first communions, confirmations, funerals, RCIA participants, PSR enrollment, etc. 

Many are naturally asking what the next steps will look like for this process.  As I shared with both parishes, I believe this is a period to simply absorb the bishop’s proposal and to personally reflect on the opportunities it presents to us as we look to strengthen the Catholic pastoral life on the near west side of Cleveland.  Our next step would be to involve staff and other leadership of both parishes to meet and reflect together as we identify ways of going forward.  This would begin in early 2024 with the assistance of Rosie Dolan-Baker, serving as our facilitator, and Father Gary Yanus, a representative of Bishop Malesic.  As this process is designed and carried out, I want to emphasize that we will take our time to thoughtfully approach every aspect in order for members of both parishes to actively participate in it. 

And we want to hear from you!  A special email address has been established to help keep the conversation going.  If you would like to send thoughts, questions, or concerns, please e-mail them to .  While no replies will be issued at this time, know that your message will be received and included for review.

While you are reading this column, I am on vacation for two weeks.  Though taking a personal break from daily labors, please know that you remain close to my heart and are always being remembered in my prayers. 

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Gurnick