Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Patrick,
As these autumn months quickly remind us that winter is soon approaching, we’ve been working very hard at finding ways to carry on with parish life. Obviously, as we move indoors for many of our activities, we do so with safety as a priority. This applies to worship, meetings, and other activities.
With the state of emergency still in place, we remain committed to ensuring high standards and practices on our parish campus, including the wearing of facial masks, social distancing, washing of hands, and regular disinfecting of the facilities.
Through consultation with those involved with areas of leadership, we are addressing what the season of Advent and Christmas experience will be here at Saint Patrick. One of these areas to be addressed will include the liturgical schedule for Christmas, along with other activities. Please keep an eye open for updates in the near future.
With this in mind, I invite you to check out our new parish website. I am grateful to John and Laura Fratus, Scott Menningen, Theresa Andrews, and John Wetzel for their hard work in the planning, development, and execution of this monumental task. We hope that this new product will invite parishioners and friends of the parish to regularly visit. Please take some time and check it out.
As we move from Season of Creation into October’s Respect for Life Month, let us not view these as separate themes. Consistent with the overall social teachings of the Church, we are called to see the sacred in all of creation, especially human life. This includes defense of the most vulnerable, from the unborn to natural death.
For this reason, I invite our parishioners to read my pastoral reflection letter, In Spirit and In Breath: A Parish Pastoral Reflection and Response Regarding the Issue of Racism. The letter will be posted on our website at some point this coming week. I am grateful for the many who have offered their reflections, offered direction and helped to edit my reflection letter.
This reflection letter follows an entire summer of listening and reflecting. While it is not intended to be the final word, I do hope that it contributes to our common call as we address the issue of racism that has been tolerated—for far too long—in our society, including communities of faith. This is one of those important issues concerning life, and we are called to defend those impacted by the evil of racism.
I thank you for taking the time to reflect on this important message.
In the love of the Author of all Life,