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Many Parish Updates

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Patrick,

 I begin with heartfelt gratitude for our PSR teachers, RCIA team members, and those involved with our adult faith formation programs as we celebrate Catechetical Sunday, a special designated in September to highlight the ministry of those called to teach the faith to others through the various opportunities throughout the year.  Thank you to the dedicated women and men who assume this incredible responsibility.  And thank you to our parents, the primary catechists, of their children.  May the Lord bless you and strengthen you with His grace.

 Some updates for our parish:

Parish Van. As you know we have been raising money for a new van. We are now at the point of determining what type of van will be most beneficial for our daily usage.  We have a small committee being assembled to detail some of those needs and to recommend the model we should pursue.  Thanks for your continued support of this initiative which has the potential to address a wider range of needs in our community.  If you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact Scott Menningen at the rectory.

Update on church projects.  The east egress (intended as an emergency exit) is near completion.  The windows slated for this phase of the restoration project have been taken to the studio and we hope to see their return in the several weeks.  We hope to have the damaged areas of the choir loft ceiling, along with the Mary and Joseph shrines, completed as well.  When they are returned and all the scaffolding is removed we will then be able to return the piano, altar and ambo back to their familiar locations.  Thanks for your continued patience.

A consistent response to the needs of our friends who seek assistance.  Over the past several months, a number of homeless women and men have expressed various needs (food, drink, bus passes, accommodations, etc.).  This is a daily occurrence here at Saint Pat’s.  However, on weekends, it is somewhat different because many of the community services are closed.  Our own parishioners have generously responded when called upon and I want to thank each of them for their kind charity.

However, I also am aware that many  do not know how to respond when approached.  Do they give money?  Does the rectory provide anything on weekends?  What is the role of Saint Vincent DePaul?  Basically, who can help address the needs of the moment? 

I believe, due to a lack of awareness or familiarity with local resources, parishioners will respond differently.  This can often cause confusion among those seeking help.  Our friends can also perceive that one’s uncertainty of how to help is a personal rejection.

Therefore, after having reflected on this with a number of our parishioners, I am asking a number of our parishioners who provide leadership in these areas of caring to meet and see how we could help fortify our hospitality toward those in need.  If anyone is interested in joining this conversation, please drop me an email.  I’ll make sure you are involved in the conversation.  

I thank you for your continued support of our parish mission and the many needs that arise.  We are blessed to have so many folks who generously offer their time, talent, and treasure in making Saint Patrick the caring community that many call their home.

Gratefully yours in Christ,

Fr. Gurnick