Since 1977, the West Side Catholic Center has offered hot meals, hospitality, clothing and household goods, emergency services, advocacy, a family shelter, housing solutions, and workforce development training to those in need. Through our five main programs we respond to the needs of men, women, and children in the Greater Cleveland area and provide services, resources, and supports. All services are provided free of charge. Building on key principles of safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration and empowerment, the West Side Catholic Center trains all staff and volunteers to become “trauma informed” integrating this philosophy into every program we offer our clients. We are located on the corner of W32nd Street and Lorain Avenue, and invite the St. Pat’s community to visit anytime! Thank you for your support of our mission.
Requested items include:
- New Underwear (men, women, and children)
- Shampoo
- Deodorant
- Towels – bath-sized
- Sheets and pillowcases – all sizes
- Blankets – all sizes and weights
Online Donations may be made at
Items can be placed in the box at the St. Anthony statue in the back of church.
Please place money or gift cards in the offertory collection baskets in the envelopes labeled “Charity of the Month”, available in the pews.
Thank you for your generosity!