Dear Friends,
In the name of our entire parish family, I extend warm greetings to all who gather with us for our Christmas liturgies, either in person or via livestreaming.
Although Covid-19 still limits our in-person encounters, may our hearts remain united in the gift of Jesus, the Word made flesh, as we celebrate this solemn feast.
Whether you join us regularly or are simply stopping by our website for a visit, it’s an honor to have you here. You are always welcome!
In 2021 we will commemorate the 150th anniversary of the blessing of our historic church’s cornerstone in 1871. Since our founding in 1853, Saint Patrick Parish has served the Irish community and so many others who claim this as their home. Though different pastoral needs emerge from generation to generation, our constant call is to joyfully proclaim the Good News. We do this as a community rooted in the Eucharist and other sacraments while accepting the mandate to love and serve the Lord and one another. While our church building wonderfully expresses our faith in stone and glass, our parishioners are the living stones who take up this call of discipleship on a daily basis, especially through our service to the poor and others who struggle along life’s path.
In this post you will find quick links to some of the exciting activities and ministries of our parish. May the grace we receive bring us and those for whom we pray glad tidings of comfort and joy!
Sincerely yours in Christ the Eternal Word,