Dear parishioners,
Each year the diocese requires every parish to publish its annual budget report in an effort to create a culture of transparency and accountability. With the assistance of our Finance Council the budget is recommended to the pastor and then communicated with the parish community.
Another annual report is submitted each year to the diocese. This report is called the Status Animarum (Annual Statistics) and it is intended to collect information, including number of registered households, number of persons who received sacraments, enrollment in our faith formation programs, etc. The reporting period is from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Although we’re not required to publish it in the same fashion as the annual budget report, I believe it is important to share some of those highlights with our parishioners. Please take a few moments and review today’s insert.
A few observations regarding these statistics may be helpful. Regarding registered households and individuals, we have seen an increase in formal registrations. However, the statistics do not necessarily capture the actual rate of attrition since parishioners may leave and not inform the parish office. Furthermore, an annual count of those actually attending Mass is conducted every October throughout the diocese. This is then reported separately to the diocese in November – more on this point in the future.
As for the sacramental statistics, please note that the numbers related to sacraments do not reflect the number of participants since partner parishes count the children who receive sacraments at their own parish. Faith formation for adults is also another statistic needing clarification as this year we included the count of those who participated in the Lenten and/or Easter phases of Building with Living Stones. I am grateful to the many women and men of our parish who help to form others in our beautiful Faith. It truly takes a community of passionate people.
Happily, we have been blessed to receive an average of five new households per month. Some of our new members include singles, newlyweds, an older couple, or a young family. In order to properly welcome our new members, we host a Meet & Greet approximately every 6-8 weeks. We are also looking at other ways to welcome them within the larger parish family.
We are more than mere statistics. Each of you are a Living Stone who makes up our parish family and contributes to the vibrancy of our community – thank you and God bless you!
In gratitude,
Fr. Gurnick