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November Opportunities

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

November is a month with many opportunities to offer thanks!    

In addition to Thanksgiving Day, we will celebrate the solemnity of Christ the King on November 21st and Our First Sunday of Advent on November 28th this month. With Christ the King being the last Sunday of the Church’s liturgical year we offer thanks for the gift of salvation from the One who died for us, rose from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. And we believe that He will come again in glory.  Our gratitude is wrapped in the hope that we will be brought to the joy of the eternal Kingdom won for us by Christ who reigns over all.  The first Sunday of Advent – and the first Sunday of the new liturgical year – reminds us that God desires to accompany us. Our gratitude is found in the Word Made Flesh who makes His dwelling among us.

As a nation, we gather around tables with family members and friends on November 25th.  Our gratitude is voiced as we count the many blessings God continually bestows upon us even in the midst of trials and burdens.   Please join our partner parishes at Saint Malachi Church on Thanksgiving at 9:00am for Mass, followed by a social with fellow parishioners and friends in the school’s lower hall. Come for coffee and pastry or enjoy a full Thanksgiving meal hosted by their Back Door Ministry. 

Another opportunity this month is to participate in #WeGiveCatholic on Tuesday, November 30th.  All monies raised for Saint Patrick Parish will go toward the purchase of a new parish van.  Be sure to check out some upcoming videos and reminders in the weeks ahead.

I want to thank all of you for being a part of our parish family and for giving joyful witness to Christ.  Like the fig tree in today’s gospel, people can tell when the Lord is near when they see us filled with the life of Jesus. 

Gratefully yours in Christ,

Fr. Gurnick