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February Charity of the Month

February Charity of the Month

Feb 1, 2023

Procop House, part of the Community Service Alliance, has 22 rooms and assists formerly homeless individuals in securing and maintaining permanent housing. They provide affordable but temporary housing meant to offer structure, supervision, life skills and mental health support, including education and job training for the men they serve. Please…

Young Adult Survey

Young Adult Survey

Jan 13, 2023

Attention adults ages 19-39. The Young Adult Ministry of St. Patrick and St. Malachi would like your input on planning activities for the year. Please take 2-3 minutes to fill out THIS SURVEY and let us know what interests you.

St. Patrick’s Day Raffle Tickets!

St. Patrick’s Day Raffle Tickets!

Jan 11, 2023

Raffle tickets are now on sale. Tickets are $20 each and support the restoration projects. Tickets will be sold after the Masses and at the Rectory during office hours. Raffle tickets will be sold until March 17, or until they are all gone.

L’Arche needs our help

L’Arche needs our help

Jan 10, 2023

L’Arche Cleveland (Our June Charity of the Month) is currently in critical need of volunteers and direct care support as they head into 2023. As with so many other organizations, L’Arche has suffered tremendously since the pandemic.  They are asking our friends to help as their staffing levels are at an all-time low. …