Immaculate Conception and Final Nights of Night Prayer
There are many opportunities over the next few days to attend mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (a Holy Day of Obligation this year) as well as other night-time prayer experiences! Wednesday, December 7th (Vigil of the Holy Day) Thursday, December 8th- Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Holy…
Friday Nights in Advent
Please join us each Friday evening in Advent for 5:30 mass and a variety of prayer, fellowship, and learning opportunities.
Parish Council Members and Meeting Minutes
Please welcome the two new members of our Parish Pastoral Council, Ian Brown and Brenna Davis! For a look at who serves on the Pastoral Council please visit the Council Page. Also on that page you can find a link to the Archives page where we will now be keeping…
9 Nights of Night Prayer
Join us for as many nights as you’d like! The final night there is an ice cream social and the evening will lead into the National Night of Prayer for Life. Nov. 30th – Dec. 8th