150th Anniversary of Cornerstone Blessing
A sincere thank you to all who assisted in making our 150th Cornerstone Anniversary a beautiful experience of Holy Mass with Bishop Malesic and fellowship over a delicious, boxed dinner on the front lawn. It was a great joy to see many of our Living stones gathered to celebrate this chapter in…
Welcome new Jesuit Volunteers
We welcome to the neighborhood 7 new members of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps! The JVs have been in our neighborhood since the mid 70s, and on Church Avenue since 1984. We continue a long tradition of welcoming and supporting them at St Patrick’s. Nicole Gaisford is from Bethesda, Maryland and…
Women’s Prayer/Study Group
You are warmly invited to a “mostly online” introductory women’s bible study Opening your Heart from the Walking with Purpose series. Using a workbook at home for reflection and prayer, we will meet on Google Meet each Thursday 6:30-7:30 PM beginning September 9th. Also, about every 4th-5th week, we will gather in person at St…
Invitation to West Side Creation Care Litter Pilgrimages
Next one: Saturday, August 21, 2021 – 10-12noon. Monthly Litter Pilgrimage. Join us as we pray, pick up litter and recyclables, and renew the face of the earth! As our gift to our Near West Side neighborhoods, let us work to renew our land and protect our waterways. Meet in…