Becoming Missionary Disciples
Dear Parishioners, Have you ever thought of yourself as a missionary disciple? How do you evangelize others? Images of discipleship and evangelizing can conjure up notions of standing at a street corner or going door-to-door to introduce others to Jesus. However, discipleship and evangelizing is simply what we’re invited to…
Beware of this scam
A recent scam has been circulating around claiming that clergy or pastoral leaders are “seeking assistance” from parishioners. The message actually includes the individual’s name but comes from a fake email address or text message. Do NOT open it or reply to it. Eliminate it even from your “trash.” These…
Twenty pink poinsettias that graced our sanctuary throughout the Christmas season are bagged and waiting near the Bridge Avenue exit for anyone to pick up and take home. They still had a lot of life left in them last time we checked, and we’ve now proven for a couple years…
Week for Life
Join the Young Adult Ministry of the Diocese of Cleveland for a series of interactive and virtual events from January 22-29. The week begins with 10:00am Mass for Life on Friday, January 22 at the cathedral. Attendance at this Mass is limited to pre-registered high school or parish groups with…