“God Calling”: tune in
When you listen to “God Calling,” a new original program on AM 1260 The Rock, you’ll hear the voices of local men and women from all walks of life, and you’ll learn how they listen to and follow God’s lead in their lives. This program is moderated by Cleveland multiple…
Please share your plans for Christmas
IMPORTANT! YOUR RESPONSE IS NEEDED Bishop Edward Malesic has informed us that the dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days remains in effect for the foreseeable future. With this in mind, we invite you to share your intention regarding Christmas Eve or Christmas Day liturgies. …
Election Eve prayer service
The Newman Catholic Campus Ministry at Cleveland State University is hosting an evening of praise and adoration on Monday evening, Nov. 2, beginning at 7:00pm at historic St. Peter Church at East 17th Street and Superior Avenue. A priest will be available to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation during the…
TV Mass time
Viewers of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland’s weekly Sunday TV Mass should take note that the broadcast time on station WJW Fox 8 News is being changed from 6:00am to 5:00am, already in effect. The recorded Mass has been aired on Channel 8 for more than 40 years. Viewers will notice that…