40 Days for Life
From Sept. 23 through Nov. 1, 40 Days for Life is an intentional, coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses. Forty days is a timeline God consistently uses throughout salvation history to…
Vibrant Faith program coming to St. Patrick Parish
National organization Vibrant Faith Ministries has acquired $1,000,000 in grant money, which is coming to our diocese for their Thriving Congregations project. The diocesan Office of Catechetical Formation and Education was asked to identify five parishes, each of which will work with a coach and a team of volunteers to…
Get your 50/50 ticket
October tickets for the monthly 50/50 raffle are available in the rectory and after Sunday Masses. Please return tickets by 9:30am the day of the raffle. If you would like to have tickets mailed to you, leave a message for Nancy at the rectory (216-631-6872). Thank you !
The month of the rosary
This year, the Catholic Cemeteries Association’s annual Walk-to-Remember event (walking memorial rosary) has been replaced by a self-guided rosary and memorial tribute. Prayer kits are available throughout the month of October at all cemetery offices. Each kit includes a rosary prayer guide and a candle (one per household). The rosary…