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Have you considered your burial?

Have you considered your burial?

Sep 26, 2020

Integral to every Catholic life is consideration of our death. The Catholic Cemeteries Association invites you to attend a one-hour pre-planning seminar on Saturday, Oct. 3, 2020, at 1:00pm. Come learn about your Catholic burial options, including options for cremated remains. We kindly ask that you RSVP to this event…


Bishop Malesic to celebrate Mass for Cleveland Catholic Women’s Conference

Sep 26, 2020

Your virtual attendance at this year’s Cleveland Catholic Women’s Conference will give you the chance to get to know a number of great women, including: adoptive mom, writer and nationally recognized speaker Brooke Taylor. life coach and host of EWTN Radio’s call-in show Take 2, Debbie Georgianni. singer/songwriter Taylor Tripodi.…

St. Patrick Altar

Livestream Mass

Sep 20, 2020

Covid-19 got you locked down at home? You can watch Sunday 8:30am Mass on your computer, tablet, or smart TV. Join us. It’s not the same as being there but close! Go to St. Pat’s page on YouTube. The link is HERE or in the sidebar to the right. Once…

Jubilee for the Earth: Need, Not Greed

Jubilee for the Earth: Need, Not Greed

Sep 18, 2020

Earth. God’s creation. The source of life that sustains us. The fruit of the land, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea. Earth’s bounty. Abundance. Enough for everyone.  God gives us enough for our needs but not our greed. Throughout the Bible, God demonstrates time and time…