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Bible study on Mark starts 9/16

Bible study on Mark starts 9/16

Sep 9, 2020

St. Malachi and St. Patrick Parishes are starting our next Bible Study, this time on the Gospel of Mark. This is a 13-week program which uses the acclaimed Lectio series on the FORMED platform. We will meet online on Wednesdays, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, starting on September 16. More information…

Labor Day Mass at St. Malachi

Labor Day Mass at St. Malachi

Sep 4, 2020

At 9:00am this Monday, September 7, join with our partner parishes to begin your holiday in prayer for all who labor, especially those whose labor supports us and our life, those who are enslaved, who work in dangerous or dehumanizing conditions, whose labor is exploited, and all who are unemployed…


Jubilee for the Earth: Greatest Commandment

Sep 4, 2020

Love Your Neighbor: God’s Creation Prayer Creator God, give us courage as we call one another to repentance and responsibility for your creation.  We count on your Holy Spirit to renew us in a love for your creation that will strengthen us to repair the damage we’ve done, to constrain…


Thanks, 410!

Sep 4, 2020

A big THANK YOU to the person who purchased the $320 winning ticket to the August 50-50 drawing: number 410. They designated Saint Patrick Church as the recipient. Would you like to support this monthly fundraiser, the proceeds of which support the daily operations of our parish? Look here for details about…