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Parish Collaboration

Dear Parishioners,

Please be sure to carefully read and reflect upon the letter enclosed in today’s bulletin. The same letter has been electronically distributed to those on our email list and also has been sent via USPS to all registered households.  It is also available on our website.

As the letter explains, Saint Malachi Parish has been doing a strategic planning initiative since May 2022.  The fruits of this plan were submitted to Bishop Edward Malesic in April 2023.  After a thorough review of their proposal, the bishop envisions that St. Malachi Parish would become an oratory in union with Saint Patrick Parish.  Both Saint Patrick and Saint Malachi would retain their names but would now be joined in such a manner that Saint Patrick would provide the pastoral and administrative care for the newly formed oratory (defined as a place designated for worship and other sacraments and important aspects ministry).  The reasons for Bishop Malesic’s vision are outlined in the enclosed letter. 

While this will certainly be news for us at Saint Patrick Parish, this newly proposed relationship is an attempt to honor the individual identity of both communities while strengthening the pastoral care of the near west side of Cleveland.  Practically speaking, much of what I am doing as the pastor of St. Patrick and the Administrator of Malachi already reflects some of the relationship we share.  The bishop’s vision would formalize my role of service while creating new opportunities for the parishes to engage and collaborate with each other. 

It is important that every parishioner takes the time to read this letter and to reflect upon its content.

Please join me next weekend, July 22 and 23, after each of the liturgies for group conversation.  It is important for me to hear from you.  If you are not available to join us next weekend, we will have other opportunities for further conversation so that you are able to express your response. Comments and concerns may be sent to: While no replies will be issued at this time, all messages will be included for review by me and those assisting me.

Thank you for your input as we explore these possibilities together.

 Respectfully yours in Christ,

 Fr. Gurnick