Parish Leadership
Parish Pastoral Council
The St. Patrick Parish Pastoral Council’s mission is to assist the pastor and parish leadership with cultivating full and active participation and engagement of all parishioners. As one of the pastor’s primary consultative groups, the council offers helpful insight, reflection, and recommendations relating to parish life.
The council is comprised of seven individuals appointed by the pastor, who serve as representatives to each respective parish committee:
- Communications: Theresa Andrews
- Facilities: Brian Jecker
- Faith Formation: Stephanie Pritts
- Hospitality: Dianne Ginley & Theresa Andrews
- Social Action: Marilyn (Cuquie) Carroll
- Worship: Father Gurnick & Dianne Ginley
In addition to these members, Finance Council is also represented on Parish Pastoral Council. That position is currently filled by Bill Hudson.
While there are no term limits for any representative, terms are intended to be for two years. One member is recommended by the council members and appointed by the pastor to serve as chairperson for a period of two years. Theresa Andrews is the current chairperson. Key parish staff also participate on the council (Deacon Bill Merriman, Administrative Manager Scott Menningen, and Pastoral Associate Kathy Wadowick). Additionally, two at-large members (currently vacant) are recommended to the pastor for a renewable term of two years.
The Parish Pastoral Council meets on the third Monday evening of each month, excluding July and December. If you are interested in serving on this important parish leadership group, please contact Fr. Gurnick at
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee assists the pastor, staff, and parish as a whole with communicating the vision, goals, and mission of our parish.
The chair of this committee serves as the representative to Parish Pastoral Council. The committee’s activities include:
- parish website management,
- Sunday bulletin oversight,
- communication of all upcoming parish events, and
- assistance with parish outreach communications.
Facilities Committee
Helps the pastor to ensure the of safety, beauty, accessibility, efficiency, and utility of all physical property on our parish campus. Restoration Committee is represented on this committee. Facilities Committee responsibilities include:
- oversight of church, rectory, Club, and Mission House buildings, and all exterior features;
- coordination of projects impacting our physical property;
- working directly with administrative manager and facilities caretaker.
Faith Formation Committee
Assists the pastor in providing catechetical programming and formation from childhood through adult life. Oversees the following areas:
- preparation for the sacraments, including RCIA,
- Children’s Liturgy of the Word,
- Parish School of Religion,
- Youth Group,
- family-based initiatives,
- adult enrichment.
Hospitality Committee
Ensures an atmosphere of welcome, largely (but not entirely) through the outreach of the Shamrocks. Programming includes:
- Shamrocks activities and events,
- mercy meals after funerals,
- annual parish picnic and social events,
- hospitality for special events coordinated with the pastor and other parish groups.
Social Action Committee
Coordinates the application of Catholic social teaching within our parish community. Areas of oversight include:
- cooperation with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul diocesan council and parish conference,
- collection and distribution for Charity-of-the-Month,
- holiday charity initiatives,
- pro-life initiatives,
- Creation Care,
- collaboration with community initiatives.
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee assists with the life of worship for the community. With each member representing a liturgical ministry, the group serves to study, reflect, and plan for various liturgies and seasonal experiences of prayer and worship. Each member serves as the liaison for his or her group and communicates needs or concerns. The group’s goal is also to provide opportunity for the parish community to receive proper formation in the area of liturgy, prayer, and worship. Members currently include representatives from the following areas of service:
- lectors and extraordinary ministers of holy Communion,
- musicians,
- art and environment,
- ushers and greeters,
- servers,
- faith formation.
Finance Council
The Parish Finance Council serves as the primary consultative body to the pastor regarding the financial stewardship of the parish, as described in the Code of Canon Law.
The Finance Council is comprised of parishioners who represent the needs of the parish and have a professional competency in the area of financial management. While the group is consultative in nature, the pastor openly receives their recommendations as he makes decisions regarding the use of parish resources for the good of the parish.
Since a level of skill and experience in financial management are a necessary components for service on the Finance Council, members are appointed by the pastor and serve a three-year term. A pattern of routine rotation of council members has been established in order to permit a number of interested and qualified parishioners an opportunity for service In addition to the pastor, there are five appointed council members. A chairperson is chosen from among the membership. The current chair is Bill Hudson. Additionally, the parish administrative manager and parish bookkeeper attend Finance Council meetings as ex-officio (non-voting) members.
Meetings occur on a bi-monthly basis throughout the parish fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).