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Preparing for Advent

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Do the holidays go too quickly?  Does Thanksgiving leap toward Christmas like the speed of light?  Does Advent seem to get lost in the pine needles or drowned out by the sleigh bells?  

As we approach this holy season (First Sunday of Advent is November 27th), I’d like to invite us to prepare for the “season of preparation.”

Maria Rivas offers some helpful ideas to get us ready. Here are a few of them, with some specific application: 

  1. Prepare your heart. – Make room in your heart for the arrival of the Holy Family.  
  2. Learn more about the Season  of Advent.  Why does the  Church select these liturgical readings for Mass during this season? – What is the nature  and purpose of this liturgical  season?
  3. Make an Action Plan. – What  can be done before Advent  begins?  What is really important to accomplish and  what can we let go if at this time? 
  4. Make Time for Prayer – Schedule it and commit to it. Mark it on your calendar. What will prayer look like during Advent?  Going to daily Mass?  Eucharistic Adoration?  Praying with Scripture? We are offering special Friday night experiences of liturgy and prayer as well as 9  Nights of Night Prayer.  Be sure to check these out in our Advent/Christmas bulletin insert next week.  
  5.  Be Mindful of Those in Need. Select an ornament from our  Advent Giving Tree located at the Saint Anthony Shrine in the back of the church.  Volunteer at some of the local charities.   Collect unused clothing from the closet and donate them to a local church or charity.  Be generous with your time and serve others well. 

May each of us prepare well for the coming of Christ who is eager to celebrate this sacred time with us.  

Come, Lord Jesus!

Fr Gurnick