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Pruning and Cultivating

Dear Friends and Parishioners of Saint Patrick Parish,

So, imagine yourself as a fig tree. Do you find yourself bearing fruit or are you barren? Or do you feel like a little of both?

Today’s parable that Jesus uses certainly presents quite the image as he offers a challenge and a consolation. The challenge is to honestly examine our lives and reform where needed—pruning and cultivating are good things. The consolation is knowing that Christ is more concerned with us growing into our potential rather than cutting down and destroying. He may very well recognize signs of life and fruitfulness that the human eye is not able to see clearly, yet.

Not convinced? Consider the many saints, including the Apostles, who the Lord constantly challenged and consoled in various ways. They didn’t all catch on immediately. What a comfort knowing that we’re in good company!

Let us continue to persevere through the practice of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. May we welcome the Lord’s judgment on what needs pruning and cultivating so that we may joyfully bear fruit for one another.

In light of the Holy Father’s intention to consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary later this week, on March 25th, we pray that this solemn act may challenge and console every human heart as we call upon God’s compassion, mercy, and peace.

Yours in the Immaculate and Sacred Hearts,

Fr. Gurnick