Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Patrick,
Hoping that all of our parishioners are enjoying these beautiful days of summer, I extend a special greeting to those who remain at home due to COVID-19. We miss you and we keep you in our hearts and prayers.
For those who are able to join us for public worship please be prepared to possibly celebrate Mass on the Grass for the duration of summer on excessively warm days. The following items will make your experience more comfortable:
- facial mask
- sunglasses/hat
- a folding chair/blanket
- sunscreen
The safety protocols for indoors remain in effect as we gather outdoors: facial masks need to be worn and social distancing between households is required. Although the lawn will not be specifically marked, at least six feet distancing is required. This will also permit the ministers for Holy Communion to move about the yard without obstruction. Four marked “stations” with hand sanitizer will be designated by flags when you arrive. These same stations will have collection baskets and copies of the parish bulletin as you leave.
We hope to inform parishioners of what the indoor/outdoor plans are for each weekend by sending an email alert every Friday, always subject to change due to a change in the weather. If you’re not currently receiving our emails, please sign up today.
Thank you for your kind cooperation and respect for others as we continue to carefully maintain protocols for the safety and comfort of everyone joining us for Sunday Mass.
Looking ahead to this coming week and as we celebrate July 4th, let us take this opportunity to reflect on our life of freedom and the responsibility to use that freedom for the common good and advancement of justice and peace, beginning in our own relationships and communities. As Catholics, we have a rich tradition of social teaching. Our voice is especially critical as we continue to defend life and the dignity of every person—peacefully and respectfully.
Because July 4th is on the weekend this year—and in light of the limited public worship being observed—we will not be celebrating a special holiday Mass. May you and your loved ones enjoy the holiday this week. May God continue to bless each of us as we continue to live as loving disciples and faithful citizens.
Yours in Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception,
Patroness of the United States of America,