We miss you. We need to hear your voice, or at least to read it. Care to comment? Please do.
In recent years, during the liturgical seasons of Advent and Christmas, we’ve placed near the entrances of the church copies of a little book called Waiting in Joyful Hope. Many parishioners have picked up these books, taken them home, read the brief reflections every day over a cup of coffee, and found a small, simple way to move closer to God in the weeks leading up to the solemn and joyful celebration of his nativity. But for the most part, they did so all alone.
In this year of social distancing and the barriers of masks and isolation, many of us are feeling the pressing need to move closer to God by engaging with our neighbors. So this season, let’s reflect together.
The books will be available at the church entrances as usual, beginning on the first Sunday of Advent, November 29 and remaining until the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord on January 10. You can also stop by the rectory to pick up your copy, or, if you’re not able to get to the church, call 216-631-6872 or email marsha.fox@stpatrickbridge.org and we’ll pop one in the mail for you. Read the daily reflection and meditation prompt.
And then, share what’s on your mind on our Advent & Christmas retreat page.
How did that passage from Scripture strike you? Did the author’s reflection raise any memories for you or strike any chords? Let us know. Think of this as a mini parish retreat, spread out in small doses across the month leading up to Christmas. Just follow the link at the top of our home page to make your way to our virtual retreat space.
This is, in part, an experiment with public conversation on our new site. Comments will be moderated to ensure a productive, charitable and focused conversation.
Can’t wait to get started? For a sneak peek at this year’s edition of Waiting in Joyful Hope: Daily Reflections for Advent & Christmas, visit Liturgical Press and click on “See Inside.”