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Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Rejoice! That’s what we’re invited to do on this Third Sunday of Advent as we light the rose candle on the wreath and the priest dons a vestment of similar color.

During the first couple of weeks of Advent, the tone of the liturgies place emphasis on the penitential nature of the season, helping us to prepare for the return of Christ in glory while recalling how the human race was readied for His first coming.  These two comings become the focus and we’re called to prepare the way by turning away from sin and making room in our hearts.

Gaudete Sunday signals a shifting in the liturgical mood and calls us to rejoice as we approach the nativity of Jesus. What better response than to have the People of God rejoice!

Please join us this Sunday evening at 7pm in Saint Patrick Church for the annual Saint Ignatius Lessons & Carols, a beautiful experience of prayer as we celebrate Gaudete Sunday and prepare our hearts for the coming of Christmas.   Admission is free and all are welcome.

Among the preparations for Christmas, don’t forget to wrap your heart with the Lord’s tender mercy.  Confessions are every Monday afternoon from 4:50pm – 5:20pm in the church (before the 5:30pm Mass) and on Christmas Eve Day from 9:00am until 10:30am.  Be assured of my continued prayers for you and your loved ones.


Fr. Gurnick