Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Patrick,
As we enjoy these summer months, I am reminded of something Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said during his pontificate regarding the importance of taking time for prayer and recreation. I can’t find the actual source but I recall the main point of his message: when we take time for ourselves, it is never simply out of concern for ourselves. Rather, we enjoy vacation or enter into retreat experiences for the sake of personal renewal and recreation – re creation – so that we can return to the Lord’s vineyard ready to resume our duties.
How important is this understanding as we enjoy time for recreation and renewal among family members and friends. How essential is this opportunity for taking advantage of quiet encounters with God. My hope is that everyone is able to make some time for personal recreation and renewal so we are ready to resume the daily tasks given to us as we serve those in need – family, loved ones, friends, and the least of our brothers and sisters.
May these summer weeks afford each of us time to pause, reflect, and enjoy the presence of the Lord.
Fr. Gurnick