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Rising of the sun and Son

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The liturgical symbols used throughout the Easter Season are directed to the very idea of new life in Christ.  Water, light, white vestments, bright flowers, festive music, and the prayers (orations) used during the sacred liturgy remind us that life comes through Christ who conquers sin and death.

The word “Easter” also evokes a powerful and rich image.  It literally means, “East.” The sun which rises in the East, bringing light, warmth, and hope, is a symbol for the Christian of the rising Christ who is the true Light of the World (USCCB / Easter).  

With warmer weather upon us, I resume my ritual of sitting outside to enjoy that first morning cup of coffee. I enjoy watching the rising sun as it paints the skies with fiery orange and red while blending them with shades of blue.  Darkness dissolves while spring flowers and foliage begin to boast of their own brilliant color.  The chorus of birds get louder as they offer ancient chants sung since the dawn of creation.  

Even on those early mornings when praying inside our lovely church the rising of the sun animates the  stained glass with each window expressing the power of its own message.  As the sun brightens the space, every piece of glass contributes to the story of an encounter with Jesus. 

Other mornings I go for my walk about town.  As I make my way through our west side, the rising sun reveals a few folks who spent the past night in a nook or cranny within our community. Perhaps in the overhang of a store’s entrance or the steps of a church.  Some are still sleeping – maybe a bit put off that morning has broken.   Others are gathering up their blankets and personal items – maybe wondering where they will get their first morning cup of coffee or meal. 

The rising of the sun is our invitation to awake and embrace the day.  The rising of the Son – our Light and our salvation – is the invitation to wake up and to see our new life in Christ now fully revealed and to carry His light into the world.

Blessings to each of you as we continue our celebration of this sacred season

Easter blessings,

Fr. Gurnick