Week Two: February 28 – March 6
The Sunday readings for this week can be found here.
As humans, we have the unique responsibility to care for God’s creation. We are living in an unparalleled time where much is asked of us to care for it. In this week’s readings, Abraham heard the call to sacrifice and offer his own son to God. Pope Francis asks us to “appeal to all people of goodwill to consider ways of living less wastefully and more frugally, manifesting less greed and more generosity for the protection of God’s world and the benefit of His people”(‘Common Declaration of Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I,’ par. 6, 2014).
Addressing climate change is crucial to responsibly caring for creation, and we now know that sacrifices are required on a personal, societal, and global scale to heed the call. We can sacrifice our own overconsumption, offer our attention to environmental justice issues, and appeal to those in power to care for creation. We can embrace the discomfort of sacrifice, and offer our resources mindfully and responsibly.
What have you been challenged to sacrifice/offer in our shared mission to care for God’s creation? How can you embrace the discomfort of these challenges?

Read the Earth Charter and reflect on how it calls you to sacrifice/offer.
Refrain from eating meat this week, when possible. Recipes.
Take time to learn about an environmental justice issue in your community by visiting the Ohio Environmental Council.
Express appreciation for a community leader who works to care for God’s creation. Learn more about local leaders at Sustainable Cleveland.
Used for inspiration for the reflection:
Common Declaration of Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew